jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

Third election in Spain

                                              Third Election In Spain 

The President of the Government in office, Mariano Rajoy, has given to understand this Wednesday it is willing to face a new appointment with the polls in Spain, and after recalling that the CP was the most supported in December and June, has warned that, "if there is to go" to third elections, "is", and the popular will to overcome "with many more votes.

At a rally in San Cibrao, locality of the city of Lugo of Cervo, which has been declared "an extremist of common sense", Rajoy has ensured that "will not fail" to the eight million Spaniards who gave him his confidence "" in the polls and that is not "will pay".

The person responsible for starting the event was the Mayor of Cervo, Alfonso Villares, who has exalted the management of the popular, as also made after the candidate Jose Manuel Balseiro. In addition, very grateful with the presence of its head of rows in its people, Balseiro has erected to Rajoy "in the best President in the history of democracy".

Resultado de imagen de terceras elecciones españa